Don't let your Crohn's win. Beat the Crohn's.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Being a Crohnie College Student

*Disclaimer* I may be rambling because I'm not feeling the greatest.
Today I woke up feeling absolutely awful. I have a headache, cramps, diarrhea, and the overall spaciness I sometimes get when not feeling well. It really put my last post into perspective for me; it's a lot easier to be thankful about a disease when you aren't feeling super sick from it. On the note of being thankful, I thought about making a post about being a college student when you feel like crap (poop jokes!).
We all know how much it sucks to be sick. All you want to do is lie in bed, drinking 7-up and watching movies or sleeping. There isn't anything that can get you out of bed. Except for having organic chemistry, a biology test, and a test that 30% is participation. There's not really the I-can-miss-class-because-I-have-Crohn's situation going on here.
I know a lot of people that take advantage of anytime they are "sick" to miss class. People with diseases especially have an excuse because they can't help it. Frankly, I don't live by that rule. If I'm not down and out on the bathroom floor, I will make it to class. My professors know that on a bad day I won't be participating, but they know that I will not be using my disease as an excuse. I've found that you will be respected a lot more when they see that you are making an effort to be places even when most people would have called it quits. IBD has made me so much stronger, that I know I can make it to class even when I feel like a bus has run me over.
I'm trying to think about what my overall message for this post would be. It isn't that you should go to class every time that you feel awful, because sometimes that just isn't possible. I guess it's that we are a strong people. We know what it's like to be in such immense pain and have accidents and not be able to eat the things we want. I think it's important to not say that you are going to skip something because it's okay since you have a disease. You have to fight and do everything that you can, because otherwise you'll be stuck in your bed everyday, and that doesn't sound like fun.
One thing I've found helpful, is keeping in contact with my professors and my support advisor about my disease. They know when I'm not feeling well, and they work with me to make sure I'm still doing everything to get the best education possible.
You can do everything any non-digestively challenged person can, you just have to fight a bit more.


  1. I can relate to this so much. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words! Feel better Liz!

  2. You are right Liz. Healthy people call in sick just because...I plead the 5th :D I'm happy your professors understand and can work with you and for all you stand up for. You Go Girl!
